While at TGS, Konami PR mouthpiece Yoshitaka Arai told Morningstar:
The worldwide demand for an Xbox 360 version (of MGS4) is quite high, and it is something we are currently looking in to.
What does this mean? Well, for one, this certainly isn't confirming anything yet! This could never see the light of daylight after they see the complications they could face when porting the game over. And without standard HDD available on every
X360, this could prove troublesome! But if this was done, this could be the kiss of death to
PS3! After all, this game is considered the top seller for the
PS3, to date.
Let's hope
Konami realizes that this furtile. I hope.
Eds Note: The original quote has been pulled. There's a new quote from a different Konami PR person (named Chiaki Nakajima) that doesn't even refer to the Xbox 360, but just about how the company was going multi-plat from now on and hoped to take advantage of each platform. Make of this what you will.
As taken from
Kotaku, it seems that
Konami won't be porting
MGS4 but rather go Mulitplatform from now on. It seems as though this is one game
M$ can't buy!
I hope M$ can't buy MGS4! That would ruin MGS4 for sure!
Anonymous said...
October 17, 2008 at 4:13 AM