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Blogger Template by Blogcrowds

A Nice Side Note!

Hey! I'm here today with some interesting news. I have stumbled upon a post by Video Game Philosopher about an interesting site. SocialSpark.

This site helps you (if you're a blogger) with your blogging life. It pays for your posts by means of opportunities.

You sign up for individual opportunities or sponsorships, and wait to get approved! The site is a breeze to use and also to register with! It took me exactly 3 mins to sign up :)

Here's SocialSpark's code of ethics:

-100% Audit-able In-Post Disclosure
-100% Transparency
-100% Real Opinions
-100% Search Engine Friendly
The site is pretty easy to use, although it could be a bit heavy for slow internet connections, it makes your life easy. Also, making friends couldn't be any easier, specially blogging friends!

Here's a screen shot of one of my SocialSpark's friends:

SocialSpark is basically a social network community/market place that brings bloggers and advertisers together in one stylish site. I really have high hopes of this site, and their code of ethics is really a good thing to have! It will assure ideas to be 100% genuine and 100% Transparent.

bloggers can communicate with the advertisers and vice versa. Messages can be sent between the two. You can really monetize your blog with the site! This is the new offering from IZEA.

If you were hoping to grow your circle of friends, then SocialSpark can really help you with that! I mean, I just signed up recently and I already have 5 friends! What this also means is that you can generate more traffic to your blog!

In this site you can find any opportunity that suits your blog and earn money through writing honest reviews for the advertisers.

You can withdraw your earned money via PayPal. You also don't need a top-rated blog in order to participate! A good rated one is helpful, though.

One last quick note, this post is sponsored by SocialSpark! So, go and give the site a shot!

Sponsored by SocialSpark


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