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The New Lara Croft Is Here!

Attention everyone! The new promotional Lara Croft is here! Alison Carroll isn't just pretty and sexy, but also used to be a gymnast! Which means, Alison Carroll, got the "curves" to do Lara's rather impossible gymnastic moves. Alison Carroll may not look a lot like Lara Croft, but Lara Croft keeps changing between games that it's hard to keep track of her "real" looks. So I guess it's fair to say that she's pretty and hot in her own regard! Also, she'd make a pretty good Lara!

"This is a fantastic opportuntiy and I am really looking forward to embracing Lara's world. I still can't believe they chose me to take on the role of Lara - and I can't wait to get stuck in. This is my dream job. I have always wanted to be an action hero and hope to be able to use my gumnastic ability to perform all of Lara's stunts."

Here's Alison's BBC interview:

The new Lara Croft game, Tomb Raider: Underworld is due this November for the PlayStation 3.

*For the '08 E3 preview clip, follow this link.


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